by Mylene C. | Aug 21, 2024 | Yoga Zone
How many times have you answered yes out of guilt or a feeling of obligation? I’m talking to you about the little yeses left and right, which end up taking up all your time! Set your priorities You know, that time when you said yes to a party where you...
by Mylene C. | Jul 26, 2024 | Solo Travel
Fear hides within us We all go through times of great joy and others that are more difficult. For many, even in our joyful moments, there is a fear lurking within us. Like the fear that this moment will end, or even the fear of lacking what we need. The anxiety of...
by Mylene C. | May 19, 2024 | Yoga Zone
Do you know how passionate I am about mental and emotional wellness? It makes me want to talk to you about self-compassion. In a world often filled with self-criticism, stress, and high expectations, I see this as a breath of fresh air. We are so good at...
by Mylene C. | May 16, 2023 | Yoga Zone
Phangan, en Thaïlande. This is the brief story of the fabulous experience I had during my first Vipassana meditation retreat at the Indriya Center, Koh Phangan, Thailand. Day 1 I arrived at 9:30 am, and there are a lot of people. They proceed with my registration.The...
by Mylene C. | Dec 19, 2022 | Yoga Zone
Mandala I have always been fascinated by mandalas. This word, which means “circle,” is composed of the terms “manda,” meaning “essence,” and “la,” which means “container.” It comes from Sanskrit, an ancient...