The art of saying no: Prioritizing your well-being.

The art of saying no: Prioritizing your well-being.

How many times have you answered yes out of guilt or a feeling of obligation? I’m talking to you about the little yeses left and right, which end up taking up all your time!   Set your priorities You know, that time when you said yes to a party where you...


History of Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient approach that has its origins in yoga philosophy. It is a dynamic and demanding method that combines synchronized breathing with fluid and precise movements. This practice has a long history. It has evolved over...
Voici ce que l’Ashtanga Yoga fait pour moi

Voici ce que l’Ashtanga Yoga fait pour moi

Almost every day, I find myself on my yoga mat. It’s the moment when I ground myself and find the center of my balance. Ashtanga yoga allows me to discover who I really am. I believe that this practice holds the key to rediscovering myself. Over time, it wears a...